Cover image of this place Cafe Rivas

Special cafe

Cafe Rivas

Why locals love it

Cafe Rivas is a quaint and relaxed cafe/restaurant/bar along a quiet cobble stoned street in San Telmo. Set a little away from the usual tourist trail, it's a great sanctuary from the busier parts of the area (particularly during the busy Sunday market along Defensa).



Why you should visit it

The cafe is a perfect place to while away a few hours and is right opposite a quaint bookshop that stocks some English speaking books if you're in need of a bit of reading material and having quite mastered the local lingo.

Special tip

Reward yourself after the busy San Telmo markets with a nice glass of malbec or a coffee and homemade treat at this sweet little cafe.

Cafe Rivas
Estados Unidos 302

Tu-Sa: 09:00-13:00

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