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Best tostado y crema queso

Tiendas Naturales

Why locals love it

After not too long in Buenos Aires you'll discover that locals love their sweet treats. Tostado y crema queso is a breakfast or tea time favourite that basically consists of bread, cream cheese and jam. Tiendas Naturales offers the freshest and tastiest version I've had so far.



Why you should visit it

If you want to do breakfast or afternoon tea like a local then you have to come here. In addition to the tostado favourite, there are fresh juices, salads and other breads to choose from. The wifi and table space is also good if you're looking to catch up on emails at the same time.

Special tip

Order the tostado menu offer which includes a tea or coffee and glass of orange juice for only 60 pesos.

Tiendas Naturales
Rep Arabe Siria 3001

Mon-Tu: 08:00-00:00

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