Cover image of this place Cafe Royal

Travel back to Victorian Edinburgh

Cafe Royal

Why locals love it

Cafe Royal is perfectly close to Waverley Station to give you enough time for a drink before your train leaves. Luckily it is also hidden enough to make it for tourist more difficult to find. The place is divided into two parts: in the Oyster Bar you can have your pre-theatre shellfish and in the Circle Bar a glass of whisky on the rocks.


View Gallery


View Gallery


Why you should visit it

Cafe Royal is pure history, it has been standing at its current site since 1863. Enter the beautiful Victorian building to step back in time and admire the ceramic murals on the walls. To have a taste of Scotland, the Circle Bar offers a great selection of Scottish ales and single malt whiskies.

Special tip

The same Victorian building houses two other bars, so you can have a pub tour without walking your feet off.

Cafe Royal
19 West Register Street

Mon-Sa: 11:00-22:00

Su: 12:30-22:00

+44 131 556 1884
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