Cover image of this place Krásný Ztráty

Krásný Ztráty / Beautiful loss

Krásný Ztráty

Why locals love it

This café/bar/restaurant is a meeting point of actors from the nearby Theatre school, dancers from the National theatre, artists, philosophers, students etc. It is a multifunctional place with a wine cellar, small library, gallery, concert hall where they organize different kinds of events and nice lounge with sofas, smoking and non-smoking area.



Why you should visit it

So you can drink a good coffee or a good wine, but they also cook very well in this place. Speciality is for example the pickled cheese “with a story”. Brave travellers with a strong stomach can even try the “Traditional Czech Killers” which are special cocktails from the times when Havana Rum and Coca Cola were just myths for us.

Special tip

The most important is that in this place you will certainly meet a lot of interesting and funny people!

Krásný Ztráty
Náprstkova 10, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

Su: 12:00-23:00

Mon-Fr: 10:00-01:00

Sa: 12:00-01:00

+420 775 755 143
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