Cover image of this place Bos en Lommerplein

Multicultural Market of the West

Bos en Lommerplein

Why locals love it

There is a neighborhood called 'Bos en Lommer' in the newer part of the West of Amsterdam. It is known for its multicultural atmosphere and people. The market on the main square is the reason for people from other parts of town to travel a bit west. Unlike markets as Albert Cuyp, this one is still doing what a market should do: Offer cheap things.



Why you should visit it

The center of Amsterdam is pretty, yes. And you should definitely spend a lot of time there. But area's like Bos en Lommer show you the real city. Behind the scenes. A lot of the Moroccan and Turkish people of Amsterdam live in this area and you will notice that on every street corner. On the market all the cultures are united.

Bos en Lommerplein
Bos en Lommerplein

Tu-Sa: 09:00-18:00

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