Cover image of this place Vegan Time

Vegan and Raw-Vegan heaven

Vegan Time

Why locals love it

The menu is diverse, you're sure to find something you'll enjoy. They offer daily lunch menus, with both vegan and raw vegan options. The location is just right - it's in the city center, but far enough from all the noise and traffic.


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Why you should visit it

There aren't many vegetarian options in Arad, so it's not like you have many to choose from. There are definitely cheaper places to eat out in the city, but if you'd like anything other that side dishes, this is the place to go to.

Special tip

The daily menu offers are popular.

Vegan Time
Str. Nicolae Bălcescu, nr. 11, Arad, România

Mon-Fr: 10:00-18:00

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