Cover image of this place Disseny Hub

Gathering design

Disseny Hub

Why locals love it

The Design Museum is currently closed, while moving to their new digs at Plaza Glories, the so-called Disseny Hub. The former museum for design, arts and craft is being re-vamped and the building itself is fairly impressive. Currently, you can find temporary exhibits in other parts of the city via their website.



Why you should visit it

The 22@-project is on a grand scale, almost comparable to the scale of the Vila Olimpica built in the same district some twenty years ago. The renovation is starting at Glories and moving towards the harbor at a breakneck pace - have a look while it happens. The museum is currently expecting to re-open in 2014.

Special tip

The museum arranges guided tours of Barcelona design and architecture, past, present and future.

Disseny Hub
Carrer d'Àvila, 185
+34 93 256 67 13
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