Cover image of this place Eben G. Fine Park

Family picnics and inner tubing

Eben G. Fine Park

Why locals love it

Boulderites love the great outdoors, but true wilderness can prove a bit too rugged for certain occassions. This park is many local's top choice for summertime picnics, bbq's, frisbee tosses or sunbathing. What's more, perhaps the town's best run of creek for inner tubing passes through.



Why you should visit it

Come here to peak through the racous university culture into the quiter lifestyle of the average Boulder family. In summer, floating the stretch of creek that runs through this park is great fun. The run isn't long, but densely packed with exhilirating waves and spillovers. Watching other tubers is also nearly as entertaining as going yourself.

Special tip

Inner tube enthusiasts may find areas just west of town more rewarding, but this is the best centrally located spot for a quick ride.

Eben G. Fine Park
3rd St. & Arapahoe Ave.
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