Cover image of this place Jošt Moravský

Statue of giraffe

Jošt Moravský

Why locals love it

It looks like a long-legged horse, but some locals renamed it a giraffe, because of the surreal long legs. So what in another city draft of this statue didn't win in the competition and in our city we like it. It soon became another great meeting point in the city center and people love it or hate it. So what.


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Why you should visit it

Around you is the Moravian square and it is a really big square because if you see the park, that belongs to it too. There is a church, Moravian gallery, art cinema Scala, courthouse with another funny sculpture in the front, etc. In the winter, the city builds icerink and you can skate on the ice around the giraffe :)

Special tip

Step between the front legs and look up ;-)

Jošt Moravský
Moravské náměstí, 602 00 Brno, Česká republika
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