Cover image of this place Bellas Artes Museum

Culture vulture in all of us

Bellas Artes Museum

Why locals love it

Bellas Artes is probably one of my favourite museums as - although I'm not a museum buff per se - I often spend hours wandering around it and it always leave feeling lighter. The exhibitions change quite frequently and the museum even opens its doors at night on the first Thursday of every month (includes live music, free beer on the rooftop).



Why you should visit it

This museum is a joy to walk around and there are English guided tours if you want to be filled in properly on all the pieces. If not, there's always wide and varied exhibitions to take a look at and make your own interpretations of. The museum is also free which is always a bonus.

Special tip

Entry is allowed 30 minutos before closing time.

Bellas Artes Museum
Av. del Libertador 1473

Tu-Fr: 12:30-20:30

Sa-Su: 09:30-20:30

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