Cover image of this place La Poesia

Bar Notable

La Poesia

Why locals love it

A 'Bar Notable' is a specific bar / cafe the government in Buenos Aires has recognised for its historical and cultural significance. There are over 72 of them and La Poesia is a perfect example of what to expect, with its endless memorabilia, tiled floor and old-school seating.


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Why you should visit it

La Poesia is a great place to while away a few hours, taking in the more traditional side of Buenos Aires and even feeling like you've stepped back in time. The staff are very attentive and the selection of drinks and pastries is spot on.

Special tip

Make sure you bring your camera as it's a very photogenic cafe, especially early morning when the light shines through the windows.

La Poesia
Chile 502

Mon-Tu: 08:00-00:00

+54 (11) 4300-7340
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