Cover image of this place Il Merlo Parlante

Widest selection of beers in town.

Il Merlo Parlante

Why locals love it

An authentic locals’ favourite, ‘The Talking Blackbird’ is an icon of Cagliari’s nightlife. Opened in 1984, it has satisfied the thirst of local night birds ever since. Widest selection of local and international beer brands (bottled and on tap) in a very cheap and cheerful cellar-looking setting. Not to mention a very good taste in music!



Why you should visit it

Looking for somewhere to placate your food late night cravings, or to indulge your beer addiction? Fetch your mates and goggle at the cornucopious menu. The very snug setting instills very positive vibes as soon as you step inside. The music, the people, the warmth of an historical local pub is the opportunity to unearth the inner soul of Cagliari.

Special tip

Grab a pint of Bière du Boucanier. Or more than one. Your proud, bare belly might make it to the wall of fame.

Il Merlo Parlante
via Portoscalas, 69

Tu-Su: 17:00-00:00

070 653981
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