Cover image of this place Olarinmäki-Kuitinmäen Kotikaupunkipolku/ 8 km

Olarinmäki-Kuitinmäki's Trail/ 8 km

Olarinmäki-Kuitinmäen Kotikaupunkipolku/ 8 km

Why locals love it

Matinkylä and Olari are examples of turnkey construction in the 1960s and 1970s. The old manor and villa area was originally supposed to become a small local center connected to Tapiola, but plans grew. Matinkylä and Olari still have their old centers, but the focus has now shifted to Piispansilta, after the metro station.



Why you should visit it

Urban trails focuses on the area's cultural history sights. Olarinmäki - Kuitinmäki's Urban Trail is 8 kilometers long. The Trail has up to 29 sights along the way mainly culturally important buildings and sights.

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