Cover image of this place Biblioteca delle Oblate

Florence's coolest library

Biblioteca delle Oblate

Why locals love it

This isn't just a place to hit the books. The Oblate regularly hosts events and lectures, and the cafe and its surrounding terrace is a favorite hangout spot for Italian students and locals of all ages (with a view like none in any library you've ever seen!)



Why you should visit it

If you need to get some work done, read Italian newspapers or books, or just want to escape the city chaos and hang out somewhere quiet, obviously the interior of the library is ideal. But out on the open terrace, which looks out on Brunelleschi's dome, you can enjoy a meal, a coffee, or an aperitivo—and no one will boot you out!

Biblioteca delle Oblate
Via dell'Oriuolo 26

Mon-Sa: 08:00-23:00

055 2616512
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