Cover image of this place Tribeka

Best coffee in town


Why locals love it

If you ask for a good place to get coffee in town, chances are people will recommened you this café. Tribeka is known for some of the best coffee in town and everyone who's been there would agree. But not only do they serve delicious cappuccinos and espressos, they also make some of the finest Bagels.


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Why you should visit it

There are three Tribekas in Graz, two of them close to universities and one next to the Kunsthaus, so you should be near one no matter where you are. It's self service but that doesn't affect the charm of this place and there are plenty or magazines and newspapers for customers to read.

Grieskai 2

Mon-Fr: 07:00-20:00

Sa: 08:00-20:00

Su: 09:00-20:00

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