Cover image of this place Kaivarin Kanuuna

Find treasures to bring back home

Kaivarin Kanuuna

Why locals love it

Kaivarin Kanuuna is a self-service flea market in a posh part of the city which makes it the perfect place to find treasures!



Why you should visit it

You can buy clothing, books and small items for the home in this bright old cellar. It's worth it to have a walk in the Kaivopuisto park and then pop in to this second hand shop.

Special tip

Mind your head if you’re tall!

Kaivarin Kanuuna
Bergmansgatan 27, 00140 Helsingfors, Finland

Su: 10:00-16:30

Tu-Fr: 10:00-18:00

Sa: 10:00-16:30

+358 40 0388400
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