Cover image of this place Kengis bruk/ Köngäksen Ruukki

Kengis' Iron Manufacturing Facility

Kengis bruk/ Köngäksen Ruukki

Why locals love it

Kengis' Iron Manufacturing Facility was once founded by Arendt Grape. Kengis was the northernmost Iron Manufactoring Facility in the world. A hammer shop was completed in 1649, and the jacket iron used was obtained from the blast furnace at the Vittang iron mine. Kengis also processed copper from the Svappavaara mine.



Why you should visit it

Sweden's northernmost ironworks mansion was built around Kengis. During the Great War of 1717, the Russians burned Facilities, but it was rebuilt. At its largest, it had 120 employees and 500 inhabitants. Kengis ceased operations in 1879 after being destroyed by fire. The old buildings are still reminiscent of the old days.

Special tip

At the same time, the power plant built on the edge of the rapids in 1952 is the smallest and newest of them.

Kengis bruk/ Köngäksen Ruukki
Torneälven, 984 92 Pajala, Ruotsi
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