Cover image of this place Sound Nightclub

The Tech House Hollywood Nightclub

Sound Nightclub

Why locals love it

This nightclub is tucked in the streets of Hollywood, and although it is not right on Hollywod Blvd, it still gets a pretty decent audience. The DJ's for this nightclub are usually very talented and most of the time fall under the genre of deep house or tech house.



Why you should visit it

The nightclub lives up to its name, "Sound" becuase it features 8 large speakers that make the entire club shake when a good deep house or tech house DJ is in the reigns. Additionally, this club is open most nights for those who are already busy on the weekends.

Special tip

This club gives free admission for select nights if you are on their emailing list.

Sound Nightclub
1642 N Las Palmas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA

Mon-Sa: 10:00-18:00

+1 323-962-9000
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