Cover image of this place Ci siamo

Best pizzas in town

Why locals love it

This restaurant serves very very very good pizzas, in my opinion the best in town. Also their pasta dishes are really tasty. They serve great wine and digestives. The staff is really friendly and the service quite quick.


Why you should visit it

If you wanna have great pizza, go to Ci Siamo. Okay, the interior may not be the most cozy one, but you won't think about it if you have their pizza. And you can also take away! It is a 10min walk from the city centre only.

Ci siamo
3 Avenue Gaston Diderich, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Mon-Fr: 09:00-14:30

Sa: 10:00-14:30

Su: 09:00-23:00

Tu-Fr: 18:00-22:00

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