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Get lost in Melbourne's laneways

Melbourne's laneways

Why locals love it

Sometimes a little daunting, and often missed by visitors, Melbourne's unique laneways are a treasure trove of food, drinking and shopping! There's something for everyone in Melbourne's laneways, and even locals sometimes find they have difficulties re-finding that cute little store/restaurant/cafe that they could swear was there last week!


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Why you should visit it

Don't be afraid to step off the main streets, and into Melbourne's laneway subculture where you'll find world class street art, one-off boutiques, unique galleries, tiny cafés and hidden bars. Hardware Lane is famous for its great range of food; Bennett's Lane for the city's best jazz club and Hosier Lane for some of the city's best street art.

Special tip

For something a little classier, check out the indoor Block and Royal Arcades for a dose of Melbourne history.

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