Cover image of this place Parco Sempione

The green heart of Milan

Parco Sempione

Why locals love it

Parco Sempione is definitely the most-loved park in Milan. Located between the beautiful Arco della Pace (“Arch of Peace") and Castello Sforzesco (“Sforza Castle”), it’s a charming place to spend a relaxing day. Take a walk along the narrow paths and stop for a drink at the popular Bar Bianco.


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Why you should visit it

It’s a place of peace and relaxation (very rare for the centre of Milan!), it’s located near Sforza Castle and the Triennale Design Museum, plus interesting events are often held at the square that connects the park to the castle.

Special tip

Basketball lovers shouldn’t miss the exciting matches that take place between local youth at the little court near the amphitheatre!

Parco Sempione
Parco Sempione

Mon-Su: 06:30-22:00

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