Cover image of this place Caffè Pedrocchi

A historical cafe from 1831

Caffè Pedrocchi

Why locals love it

Caffè Pedrocchi is a historical café in the city of Padua since 1831 and internationally renown. The cafe is located in the city center in a beautiful old building. The restaurant, which is also a fine restaurant and place of events, conferences, concerts and events, is a symbol of the Padua.


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Why you should visit it

Sit back and relax in the beautiful red room or on the magnificent terrace. They also serve a special saturday morning brunch, the delicious buffet, which consists of cutting boards of meats and cheeses with fancy bread, assortment of delicious vegetables and salads, crepes and other delicate dishes.

Special tip

Taste the "Pedrocchi's coffee", a real treat with coffee and mint.

Caffè Pedrocchi
Via VIII Febbraio, 15, 35122 Padova Veneto, Italia

Tu-Su: 09:30-19:00

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