Cover image of this place Station Square

Entertainment and Dining Destination

Station Square

Why locals love it

Station square, a historic meeting place for railroad passengers is currently a destination for dining, nightlife, duck tour and ferry boat dock, incline plane site and historic landmarks such as the Bessemer court. Many of its restaurants are located on the river bank overlooking Pittsburgh's rich skyline.


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Why you should visit it

A tourist interested in learning about Pittsburgh architecture and history should take the ferryboat and duck tours from there. The incline goes up to mount washing tom from that area. The Grand Concourse restaurant, which serves one of the best brunch buffets in Pittsburgh, is located there. Multiple chain bars and restaurants are located there,

Special tip

A paid parking lot is available there. A 3 1/2 star hotel is conveniently situated there. All destinations are walkable.

Station Square
125 W Station Square Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, United States
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