Cover image of this place SKYE Tower Restaurant & Bar

360 degree view of the city

Why locals love it

The Holiday Inn downtown is nicknamed the hair roller due to it's cylindrical shape. The bar on the 20th floor has windows all around so you can get a view of all of downtown Raleigh. Start the night here and watch the sun set over the city.


Why you should visit it

It's a view of Raleigh you can't get anywhere else unless you befriend a resident of one of the downtown high rises. It's located within easy walking distance of the downtown Fayetteville area, Glenwood south, and Hillsborough areas.

Special tip

It closes at 10 so make sure to go at the start of your night!

SKYE Tower Restaurant & Bar
320 Hillsborough St

Mon-Su: 10:00-22:00

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