Cover image of this place Antiikkia ja Ompelua

Antiques & Sewing

Antiikkia ja Ompelua

Why locals love it

Do you need nice and beautiful accessories to go with your new dress or a new tailored dress? Do you want to decorate your home with antiques or just enjoy remembering the old times with a coffee cup? Antique&Sewing is bting all elements together around the cafeteria feeling. While enjoying a cup of good coffee we fix and repair clothing.



Why you should visit it

Looking for something personal to wear at the parties or need tailored clothing? We sew quality clothing. The store has been decorated with antiques in which gives an lovely memorbilia or history lesson for its visitors.

Special tip

Antiques. Sewing. Fixing clothing. Tailor. Personal look.

Antiikkia ja Ompelua
Toripuistikko 8, 96100 Rovaniemi, Finland
+358 40 0791560
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