Cover image of this place Lapland's Brewery

Lappish Craft Beer

Lapland's Brewery

Why locals love it

The source of inspiration of the Rovaniemi's Lappish Brewery is the craftsmanship. Lappish beers are best natural, multidimensional and unhurried craft beers in Finland. Just like Lapland's lifestyle. Each of our beers represents the Lappish soul.


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Why you should visit it

Additional features are brought by the Arctic Circle's crisp, arched arcs, glittering horns, dazzling winters, blue light and dark night, midnight endless sun and autumn color. The Brewery offers a visitation with tasting of their products, visitation needs to be ordered through the web page. Tasting required minimum 3 person to participate.

Special tip

Craft beers. Lappish taste. Visitation and tastings.

Lapland's Brewery
Lapin panimo
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