Cover image of this place Alcatraz Island

The Mysterious Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island

Why locals love it

Check out the first-ever lighthouse built in the U.S. on Alcatraz Island just over a mile of the shore of San Francisco. The island has served as a military fortification, military prison, federal prison, and a home to Native Americans.



Why you should visit it

This museum takes you back to a creepy time when the island was used to facilitate a prison. Over 1,500 felons spent time on Alcatraz Island including famous criminals like Al Capone (Scarface) and George "Machine Gun" Kelly. Enjoy an eerie vibe, a fun boat ride and more at Alcatraz Island.

Special tip

Definitely go for the audio tour, it's the best I've ever heard.

Alcatraz Island
San Francisco, CA 94133, USA
+1 415-561-4900
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