Cover image of this place Bimbo's 365 Club

Great old school club in S.F

Bimbo's 365 Club

Why locals love it

Bimbo's 365 Club was created in 1931 and is still today a busy and popular scene hosting many events, parties and live music concerts. A true institution in San Francisco, it features stand-up artists and musicians that really fits with the retro atmosphere of the club.



Why you should visit it

Entering Bimbo's feels like stepping back in time. Red velvet and old fashionned golden mirrors decorated the place. Round tables are set up all around the stage, so you can drink your whisky or IPA while listening to crooner music. And there's also a dancefloor if you want to get closer to the stage and get moving.

Special tip

Don't forget your ID if you want to order alcohol, and don't bring any water bottle, you will have to dispose of it upon entering the club.

Bimbo's 365 Club
1025 Columbus avenue, San Francisco
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