Cover image of this place Old Bazaar

Skopje's Oldest Bazaar

Old Bazaar

Why locals love it

You won't find a place with more shops per square mile than the Old Bazaar. Everything about it is hundreds of years old; you'll experience the vibe of how it was like to walk during the Ottoman era. This place is pretty popular with the Turkish tourists.


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Why you should visit it

The Old Bazaar is full with shops, bars and places to eat. You'll find classic Turkish food like the tulumba, as well as plenty of bars that serve hookah. A lot of shops sell antiques and jewelry. If you look enough, you'll always find something with a good price.

Special tip

Visit Pivnica for an original beer. And if you're in for a party, visit Kapan An, which works till 5AM!

Old Bazaar
Old Bazaar, Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)
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