Cover image of this place Annön

Uzbekistan-influenced Korean food


Why locals love it

Locals of Lasnamäe, Tallinn's largest soviet block district, are long aware of this little canteen run by a Korean family who somehow made their way to Estonia via Uzbekistan in the soviet era. Interior is kitschy, tables covered with simple plastic covers, menu is hand-written on the wall in Russian and broken Estonian, but the food is excellent.


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Why you should visit it

It's hard to find food that's actually spicy in Tallinn. Annön doesn't fall under the most purist definition of a Korean eatery, as the owners have travelled far and wide across the whole soviet union, so their interpretation of Korean also includes uzbek plov, but trust me – as a whole this spot is an experience worth travelling to Lasnamäe for.

Special tip

Beware – spicy actually means spicy! Lamb soup is delicious, as are salads so order 2-3 to try them out.

Parkla, Kalevipoja põik 10, 13614 Tallinn, Estonia

: 11:00-18:00

: 11:00-18:00

: 11:00-18:00

: 11:00-18:00

: 11:00-18:00

632 7802
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