Cover image of this place Estonian Open Air Museum

Estonia, condensed

Estonian Open Air Museum

Why locals love it

The idea behind this open air museum is fairly simple. They went around the land picking up old homesteads and dumping them here. We're assuming they asked permission first. But the idea of such a museum is a solid one.



Why you should visit it

Go far enough West and the gigantic shopping centres and flashy suburban homes give way to village scenes from “Asterix”. Much of Estonia's history is linked to the rural way of life. A large portion of the population used to live in farms and homesteads until the Soviet annexation of the country in 1939. Get educated about it all here.

Special tip

To get there take bus 21 and 21b from Balti Jaam to Vabaõhumuuseum!

Estonian Open Air Museum
Vabaõhumuuseumi tee 12, 13521 Tallinn, Estonia

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: 10:00-20:00

: 10:00-20:00

: 10:00-20:00

654 9100
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