Cover image of this place Kalma Saun

Get naked and hop in

Kalma Saun

Why locals love it

Seriously, Estonians love sauna. The Kalma is the oldest public sauna in Tallinn, operating since 1928 and maintaining its real deal image with wood heating. It has public baths for both men and women so get naked and hop in!


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Why you should visit it

To a normal person, sitting naked in a small room with a temperature of 90°C might seem a bit like suicide. Estonians would call that “frosty”. As an added bonus, the Kalma sauna is located in Kalamaja, a historic neighbourhood characterised by unique wooden houses, making it an ideal place for an afternoon stroll.

Special tip

If you truly want to do it like the locals and whack each other with wet birch bunches you can rent a private one for an hourly rate.

Kalma Saun
Vana-Kalamaja 9A, 10414 Tallinn, Estonia

: 10:00-23:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 11:00-22:00

: 10:00-23:00

627 1811
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