Cover image of this place Продуктовый Базар Чорсу | Chorsu Farmers Market

The place where you can find everything!

Продуктовый Базар Чорсу | Chorsu Farmers Market

Why locals love it

Chorsu Bazaar is a heart of old part of the city. It's the center of public life, place where locals come to buy anything they need. Chorsu bazaar is not only a market – it's also a place of main entertaining events of the city – theatrical performances.



Why you should visit it

Chorsu Bazaar is the unique complex of trade halls crowned with interrelated blue domes. Here you will find fresh fruits, amber-colored dried fruits, toasted bread (lepeshka), fresh-killed meat, kazy (horse meat sausage).

Special tip

farmers market, souvenir shops

Продуктовый Базар Чорсу | Chorsu Farmers Market

Tu-Su: 04:00-21:00

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