Cover image of this place Open Hands Cafe

Beautiful hand-woven textile and coffee

Open Hands Cafe

Why locals love it

It's an old house converted into a cafe and a textile outlet (that supports the work form local hand-looms). The air is very homely and the space is sung, comfortable and cool for long lazy afternoons. Needless to say, one often gets into interesting conversations with equally lazy strangers.



Why you should visit it

This is an excellent place for breaks and planning what's next on agenda. It's never crowded and still has variety in its visitors who can give you cues on what to do next.

Open Hands Cafe
No.B1-128-3, Dumraun Bagh Colony, Near Assi Ghat Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005

Mon-Su: 10:00-09:00

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