Cover image of this place Il laboratorio delle armonie

handmade furniture / recycling

Il laboratorio delle armonie

Why locals love it

A small shop in the heart of Verona, an ambitious and successful project born from the passion of two ladies. Everything is recycled, reinvented, recovered, brought to life by the passion of the two artists. The space is small but full of color and wonderful and original stuff.Immagination and passion are the main points of this place.



Why you should visit it

If you are looking for something original and unique this is the place. All the furnishings are made with recycled materials and all are unique. You may find tables, chairs, mirrors, stools, lamps, you can also bring your own furniture and ask the ladies to reinvent it and make it "shine" again.You can also find exhibitions of local artists inside.

Il laboratorio delle armonie
Via S. Procolo 1/c

Sa: 10:00-12:30

Tu-Th: 16:00-19:00

Sa: 15:30-19:30

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