Cover image of this place Café Kulturalna (Cultural Café)

Party place in a high palace

Why locals love it

Sometimes interesting places are just in front of you. You can’t miss one of the highest buildings in Warsaw: the Soviet style Palace of Culture and Science, visible from each and every corner of the city. Entrance to Kulturalna is the same as the entrance to a theater hall so you may bump into cultural people even before entering the café.


Why you should visit it

Warm oldish interior with different sized tables and chairs, always noisy and full of music, welcomes mostly (but not only) the young crowd. During the day you may have coffee or light lunch for fair price. At weekends you may have a chance to listen to live music (anything from folk, jazz to hard rock) or a DJ playing whatever comes to his mind.

Special tip

Entrance fee only when there's a DJ or a concert, but never too pricey.

Café Kulturalna (Cultural Café)
Plac Defilad 1

Mon-Su: 12:00-23:00

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