Cover image of this place Isla Pilipina

Deep Fried Chicken?

Isla Pilipina

Why locals love it

They are famous for delicious Filipino food that caters to the mainstream and even the Filipino-Americans in town. They have been featured several times on several Food TV shows as having the best fried pork knuckles and fried crispy chicken.



Why you should visit it

You should once in your life try Filipino Food and this is the best there is in Chicago. The fried chicken is out of this world. People from several miles away drive down just for the fried chicken. The staff has that Filipino-Pacific Islander charm.

Special tip

Order the Crispy Chicken, Pork Barbecue, Crispy Pata and take an extra Lipitor just incase that is how rich their ingredients are and therefore legit

Isla Pilipina
2501 W Lawrence Ave

Tu-Sa: 11:30-21:00

Su: 11:30-19:00

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