Cover image of this place Seven Treasures Cantonese

Chinatown's Legendary 554

Seven Treasures Cantonese

Why locals love it

If earning a slot in urban dictionary for numbers "554" isn't enough to spark interest, I don't know what is. This place like many Chinese restaurants used to number their items as they had more than one variety of the same thing. One particular item number, 554 became the most ordered item. It is so basic and extraordinary at the same time.



Why you should visit it

You must try 554! It is barbecue pork with eggs over rice and secret special black sauce they cure into the rice. It has a very addictive quality and hey once you try this you can say I've tried 554. Only Chicagoans, the truly local ones will break into tears and an obsessive conversation about how good it is after hearing you say 554.

Special tip

Order 554. order 554 order 554 and nothing else just 554.

Seven Treasures Cantonese
2312 S Wentworth Ave

Mon-Su: 11:00-02:00

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