Cover image of this place Skyline View from Adler Planetarium Pier

Best view of the skyline

Skyline View from Adler Planetarium Pier

Why locals love it

It's free! You don't need to go in the Planetarium itself, just hang out on the shores facing northwest towards the skyline. There's no better view of the Chicago skyline. Locals love coming here for hanging out at night or for a nice way to wrap up a romantic date.


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Why you should visit it

You won't need to pay a cent. As an architectural mecca for American architects, Chicago's skyline is one of the greatest this side of the world. From this angle, you really see the widest angle of the skyline. On a calm evening, the skyline reflects magnificently off Lake Michigan. You'll see a handful of tourists, but it's pretty sparse.

Special tip

From here, you have access to several world class museums nearby. Also, go here for sunrise. Super romantic.

Skyline View from Adler Planetarium Pier
1300 S Lake Shore Dr
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