Cover image of this place Stanley Plaza

City to beaches in 30 mins

Stanley Plaza

Why locals love it

Stanley is located in the southern part of Hong Kong Island. Locals love this laid back area that's a short bus ride out of the city. Here people come to relax abd treat it like a holiday without leaving Hong Kong. From beaches to large pedestrian only areas, there's a lot for everyone to enjoy.


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Why you should visit it

Most only see the urban part of Hong Kong and forget about the lush green mountains and beaches that is only a short bus ride away. The unique aspect is the proximity from the beaches to the bars and restaurants and tourist shops. You can have a meal and walk 10 mins and be in the water. No swimsuit? Get one for $20 HKD from a touristy shop.

Special tip

If your coming in to do a bbq (all pits are free to use), walk across the street from the bus terminal to Wellcome to buy everything you'll need.

Stanley Plaza
23 Carmel Rd, Southern, 香港

Mon-Su: 08:00-22:00

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