Cover image of this place Caramelos Paco

How sweet it is to visit this place

Caramelos Paco

Why locals love it

Caramelos Paco is the most traditional candystores in downtown Madrid, offering a wide range of treats to both kids and adults. Locals love the huge selection of flavours, from classic mints to alcohol-tasting sweets like champagne, mojito or rum and coke.


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Why you should visit it

Ironically this place started out as a grocery store back in 1934, but soon turned to the sweeter side off life. This colourful and candystacked little shop is worth a look, and a good place to find popular souvenirs for every kid. Behind the bright yellow facde, you will even find sugar-free versions if you are on a diet.

Special tip

Try the candy-version of the Spanish drink 'calimocho' – a mix of coke and red wine, normally enjoyed in the summer by Spanish teenagers.

Caramelos Paco
Calle de Toledo 55

Su: 10:30-15:00

Tu-Sa: 09:30-14:00

Mon-Th: 17:00-20:30

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