Cover image of this place Centralny Store

Ugly truth

Centralny Store

Why locals love it

First to say, it's as local as it may ever get. It may not be fancy or pretty, but if you want to see the truth - here it is, right behind the big glass windows. You may either hate it or love it, but it's the soul of the city - and you can't stay ignorant to the bar on the first floor.


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Why you should visit it

Old soviet-styled department store with amazing interior and the motley crowd of visitors: dirty hobos, artists, crazy people, local celebrities, students, professors - everybody gets together. Other perks: the cheapest and tastiest desserts in town (and cheapest alcohol too). Head here if you're broke (if it's even possible in Belarus).

Special tip

I admit it, you may not like it if you're very squeamish or love the fancy rich life. But it's the local life of an average person here, so be fair.

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