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Tea and ice-cream in Gorky Park


Why locals love it

A popular place located on the embankment in Gorky Park. There you can get a cup of tea - very good to keep warm in winter (and they have so many varieties!). When it's hot, go for a scoop of ice-cream (which is also made with tea)



Why you should visit it

Perfect location (easy to find when you walk in Gorky Park and decide to stop for a while). The variety of ice-creams, tea and tea cocktails is really non-trivial and worth trying! There are many SAMOVARS in the cafe, one of them is used for boiling water

Special tip

In winter, they also serve tea on the ice ring

Moscow, Russia, 119049

Su-Sa: 11:00-21:00

+7 903 010-80-30
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