Cover image of this place Labor Bar

A different kind of chemistry class

Why locals love it

Located near Stachus, the little bar is easy to miss. If you find it, it's worth looking inside, though. Whether it's the shots that are served in test tubes or the bartenders wearing white lab coats, you feel like being back in chemistry class - with the exception that you can down the 'dangerous' chemicals in front of you!


Why you should visit it

A variety of shots ranging from toxic to radioactive and even flammable make it worth the time and money. Every Thursday you can participate in a beer pong tournament with the prospect of winning 50€; be careful though, as that is the only day they take an entrance fee if you arrive later than 9pm. And don't forget your IDs!

Special tip

Happy Hour is Thursday completely, and Wednesday through Sunday from 8 to 9 and from 10 to 11 pm. Get six shots for 5€ and do some experiments!

Labor Bar
Sonnenstraße 5, 80331 München, Germany

Su: 20:00-00:00

Tu-Sa: 20:00-03:00

+49 177 7999909
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