Cover image of this place Bar Urca

One of the best sunsets in the city

Bar Urca

Why locals love it

It is traditional in Rio to go there after a day in the beach - Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon are nearby neighborhoods - to see the sunset. The costumers like to sit on the short wall across the street, where the waiters can serve chopps (Brazilian kind of light beers, very popular) and food. Bar Urca is ver known for its seafood dishes.



Why you should visit it

See the sunset in Bar Urca is one of the things locals like most. They can brag about the beauty of the view while drinking beers and eating traditional bar foods. There is no better option after a day in the beach than going to Bar Urca for that experience. You can also go to the second floor to the restaurant without missing the outstanding view.

Special tip

Sit on the short wall, drink a glass of chopp and eat a codfish fritter or a pastel (salt pastry). Few things are more carioca than it.

Bar Urca
R. Candido Gaffre, 205

Mon-Fr: 06:30-23:00

Sa: 08:00-23:00

Su: 08:00-20:00

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