Cover image of this place Mod Salons

Cool hair salon

Mod Salons

Why locals love it

Many alternative and fashionable locals have their hair cut here. It’s one of the few salons in Rome where the hairdressers understand (and follow) your instructions. Whether you’re a rocker, biker, hipster, fashionista or something completely different, you’ll be more than satisfied with Mod.



Why you should visit it

If you want to add a dash of Roman style to your look, have your hair cut at Mod Salon. It’s a minimal yet creative place with a vintage vibe, and the hairdressers have welcoming yet absolutely professional attitudes. As it also works as a barbershop, it caters to men as well as women.

Special tip

Ask for Vona ;) Note that it’s not a cheap place.

Mod Salons
Via Urbana 52 - via delle coppelle 13a - via terenzio 52
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