Cover image of this place Bernardine Cemetery

The oldest cemetery in Vilnius

Bernardine Cemetery

Why locals love it

Many famous people are buried in this cemetery. Mainly you will find Lithuanian and Polish names on the gravestones. In the 19th century it was a famous place to go for a nice walk because it had the feeling of a park.


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Why you should visit it

Don’t be surprised if you stumble across some bones on the ground – they tend to surface when the snow starts to disappear. Covering an area just under four square kilometres, it has a disturbingly serene feel which makes for a spooky walking experience.

Special tip

Seriously, if you come here in spring, you might see some bones sticking out of the ground.

Bernardine Cemetery
Žvirgždyno g. 3, Vilnius 01205, Lithuania

Mon-Su: Open 24 hours

+370 5 265 6563
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