Cover image of this place The Rainbow

an unofficial controversial symbol

The Rainbow

Why locals love it

The rainbow was created in 2012 as a symbol of love, peace, hope and - quiet obviously - equality. From the very beginning it brought lots of controversy that lead to numerous incidents with it. It burnt down few times so far yet each time it was repaired to shine brighter than before



Why you should visit it

You can't be sure if or in which condition the rainbow will be next time when you visit Warsaw so you should head there to see what this whole mess is about. The square where it is - Plac Zbawiciela - is a wonderful place too, perfect to grab a coffee in one of the numerous cafes and enjoy people (and rainbow) watching

Special tip

The square is called "Plac Hipstera" - you won't have troubles with guessing why

The Rainbow
Plac Zbawiciela
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