Cover image of this place Klub

New place in town


Why locals love it

Klub was opened pretty recently and it instantly attracted every single person who ever listened to Clash because in front of it, they unveiled a new statue representing legendary Joe Strummer. It is planned to turn this yard to a punk rock park called Joe Strummer's Square.


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Why you should visit it

Klub (needless to say, the name means: The club) is self-attributed as a subcultural and underground hotspot, however it has gained enough publicity to become one of the trendiest places at the moment. Luckily, the limited space is best suited for their underground aspiration.

Special tip

In that same yard, you'll find a well-known beer place called Beertija. It's a good idea to remember this address and start your evening right there.

Ul. Pavla Hatza 14, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia

Th-Sa: 00:00-04:00

+385 1 4839 020
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