Cover image of this place Summer cinema Tuskanac

The most romantic cinema

Summer cinema Tuskanac

Why locals love it

It was built back in 1950's as the most romantic moviegoers spot, but it somehow got abandoned and forgotten soon after. It was reopened pretty recently. If you visit it outside the summer screenings season, it looks as it's going to end up the same way again - all neglected. That's why it's still on my urbex list.


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Why you should visit it

You'll be astonished to find out than only a 10 minutes walk separates the main city square from the forest cinema. They usually screen films as a part of some festival program here, so it's best to check at a tourist office if there are some screenings while you're in town. But the sight is worth visiting regardless.

Special tip

If you decide to see a film here, put on some warm clothes. No summer night will save you from the forest chills.

Summer cinema Tuskanac
Dubravkin put bb, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
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